Leadership By Example

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” — John Quincy Adams

High moral value in the conduct of state business at all times, demonstrating discipline and leadership by example that is guided by transparency and accountability in order to restore confidence in the government will be created. Parts of the measures to be adopted include:

  • An Administrative Reform through the ‘Open Government and Accountable Administration’ (OGAA).
  • There shall be quick acceleration of public request seeking information from the government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI).
  • We will also give freedom to Local Government Councils to function in accordance with their mandates and protect local government council chairmen from executive intimidation, constant harassment and unwarranted removal.
  • We will run an inclusive and continuous consultative government by listening to public opinions, views and suggestions. We will use “Edo Policy Exchange” and Town Hall meetings to engage, consult and elicit innovative ideas so as to move Edo State forward.